Saturday, August 26, 2023

IT manager handover check list


IT manager handover check list

Here is an IT manager handover checklist:

  • Personal information
    • Name, contact information, and email address of the outgoing IT manager
    • Name, contact information, and email address of the incoming IT manager
  • Job description
    • A detailed description of the IT manager's role and responsibilities
  • Ongoing projects
    • A list of all ongoing projects, including the project status, deadlines, and key stakeholders
  • IT infrastructure
    • A list of all IT assets, including hardware, software, and network infrastructure
    • Documentation for all IT systems and applications
  • Security
    • A list of all security policies and procedures
    • A list of all security risks and vulnerabilities
  • Vendor contracts
    • A list of all vendor contracts, including the contract terms and conditions
  • Budget
    • A copy of the IT budget for the current year
  • Training materials
    • Any training materials that the outgoing IT manager has created
  • Notes and observations
    • Any notes or observations that the outgoing IT manager would like to share with the incoming IT manager

This is just a sample checklist, and the specific items that need to be included will vary depending on the organization. However, this checklist should provide a good starting point for creating a comprehensive IT manager handover document.

Here are some additional tips for creating an effective IT manager handover:

  • Start the handover process early. This will give the outgoing IT manager enough time to gather all of the necessary information and documentation.
  • Be organized. The handover document should be well-organized and easy to follow.
  • Be thorough. The handover document should include all of the information that the incoming IT manager will need to be successful.
  • Be clear. The handover document should be written in clear and concise language.
  • Be open to feedback. The outgoing IT manager should be open to feedback from the incoming IT manager. This will help to ensure that the handover is as effective as possible.

I hope this helps!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

How to Fix Hard Drive Not Detected by Windows Installation Media (Intel Rapid Storage Technology


  • How to Fix Hard Drive Not Detected by Windows Installation Media (Intel Rapid Storage Technology)
  • Fix Hard Drive Not Detected by Windows Installation Media with IRST Drivers
  • How to Install Windows on a Computer with Intel Rapid Storage Technology
  • How to Disable Intel Rapid Storage Technology for Windows Installation

Intel Rapid Storage Technology (IRST) is a suite of technologies that helps to improve the performance and reliability of storage devices. It can be used to create RAID arrays, optimize performance, and protect data.

If you are using IRST on the computer that you are trying to install Windows on, then you will need to make sure that the IRST drivers are installed on the installation media. You can download the IRST drivers from the Intel website.

To install the IRST drivers on the installation media, follow these steps:

  1. Download the IRST drivers from the Intel website.
  2. Extract the driver files to a folder.
  3. Copy the driver files to the USB drive that contains the Windows installation media.
  4. Boot the computer from the USB drive.
  5. When you reach the "Install Now" screen, press Shift+F10 to open a command prompt.
  6. In the command prompt, type the following command:
  7. dism /add-driver /driver:<path to driver files> /recurse
  8. Replace <path to driver files> with the path to the folder that contains the IRST driver files.

Press Enter.
The IRST drivers will be installed on the installation media. You can now continue with the Windows installation process.

If you are still having trouble detecting the hard drive, you can try disabling IRST in the BIOS/UEFI settings. To do this, follow these steps:

Boot the computer into the BIOS/UEFI settings.
Find the setting for IRST and disable it.
Save the changes and exit the BIOS/UEFI settings.

Monday, August 21, 2023

ممكن اعرف الفرق بين اللابين دول وايه افضل فيهم؟ وسعرهم كام جديد Dell Precision 3541 Core i7 9th gen Ram 32GB DDR4 SSD 512GB Monitor 15.6” LED VGA Nvidia Quadro P620 4GB GDDR5 HP Zbook G5 Core i7 8th gen 8850H Ram 32GB DDR4 SSD 512GB Nvme Monitor 15.6" LED Full HD VGA Nvidia quadro P1000 4GB GDDR5


Dell Precision 3541

معالج Intel Core i7 من الجيل التاسع

رام 32 جيجا بايت DDR4

تخزين SSD 512 جيجا بايت

شاشة 15.6 بوصة LED

معالج رسومي Nvidia Quadro P620 4 جيجا بايت GDDR5

HP Zbook G5

معالج Intel Core i7 من الجيل الثامن

رام 32 جيجا بايت DDR4

تخزين SSD 512 جيجا بايت NVMe

شاشة 15.6 بوصة LED Full HD

معالج رسومي Nvidia Quadro P1000 4 جيجا بايت GDDR5

الفرق بين اللابين دول هو في المعالج، حيث أن Dell Precision 3541 يحتوي على معالج من الجيل التاسع أحدث من معالج HP Zbook G5 من الجيل الثامن. كما أن Dell Precision 3541 يحتوي على معالج رسومي أكثر قوة من Nvidia Quadro P620 مقارنة بـ Nvidia Quadro P1000 في HP Zbook G5.

من حيث السعر، فإن Dell Precision 3541 أغلى من HP Zbook G5.

إذا كنت تبحث عن لاب ذو أداء قوي ومعالج رسومي قوي، فإن Dell Precision 3541 هو الخيار الأفضل.

 أما إذا كنت تبحث عن لاب بسعر أقل، فإن HP Zbook G5 هو الخيار الأفضل.

إليك جدول يوضح الفرق بين اللابين دول بشكل أكثر تفصيلاً:

IT support skills


The most important skills for an IT support specialist are:

  • Technical skills: This includes knowledge of hardware, software, and networking. IT support specialists should be able to troubleshoot and repair computer problems, install and configure software, and set up and maintain networks.
  • Problem-solving skills: IT support specialists should be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently. They should be able to think critically and creatively to find solutions that work for each individual situation.
  • Communication skills: IT support specialists should be able to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical audiences. They should be able to explain complex technical concepts in simple terms and listen to and understand the needs of their users.
  • Customer service skills: IT support specialists should be able to provide excellent customer service. They should be patient, understanding, and empathetic when dealing with users who are having problems.
  • Organizational skills: IT support specialists should be able to manage their time and workload effectively. They should be able to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
  • Self-learning skills: IT is a rapidly changing field, so IT support specialists should be able to learn new skills and technologies on their own. They should be curious and eager to stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

In addition to these essential skills, IT support specialists may also need to have experience with specific software or hardware platforms, or with certain types of technical support. The specific skills required for an IT support role will vary depending on the size and type of organization, as well as the specific responsibilities of the role.

Here are some other skills that are becoming increasingly important for IT support specialists:

  • Cloud computing: Cloud computing is becoming increasingly popular, so IT support specialists should have knowledge of cloud-based technologies and services.
  • Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is a major concern for businesses of all sizes, so IT support specialists should have knowledge of cybersecurity threats and best practices.
  • Data analysis: Data analysis is becoming increasingly important for businesses to make informed decisions. IT support specialists should have the skills to collect, analyze, and interpret data.
  • DevOps: DevOps is a methodology that combines development, operations, and security teams to shorten the software development lifecycle and improve the quality of software. IT support specialists should have knowledge of DevOps principles and practices.

If you are interested in a career in IT support, it is important to develop the skills and knowledge that are in demand. You can do this by taking courses, getting certifications, and gaining experience through internships or entry-level positions.

السلام عليكم عندي سؤال للسادة الأفاضل روحت ع مكان جديد فيه network domain فيه جهاز user domain متوصل بطابعه USB كل ما اجي اعمل enable print يطلب يوزر وباسورد بدخل user وكلمه السر اليوزر اللي بدخله مشترك ف Group adminstrators Domain Group وبرضه جهاز الموظف مش بيقبل اليوزر والباسورد بيقولي غلط جرب اعمل يوزر جديد واعطيه الصلاحيات برضه نفس النتيجه اسف للاطاله . لو حد عنده الحل الف شكر

There are several possible reasons why a USB printer is not accepting a username and password.

  • The USB printer may not be installed correctly on the employee's device.
  • The user may not have the necessary permissions to access the printer.
  • There may be a problem with the network settings on the employee's device.

To fix this problem, try the following:

  • Make sure that the USB printer is installed correctly on the employee's device. You can find installation instructions on the printer manufacturer's website.
  • Make sure that the user has the necessary permissions to access the printer. You can grant the user the necessary permissions in the Control Panel or by using a user management tool.
  • Make sure that the network settings on the employee's device are correct. You can check the network settings in the Control Panel or by using a network management tool.

Here are some additional tips that may help you:

  • Try using a different user who has the necessary permissions to access the printer.
  • Try connecting the USB printer to a different computer.
  • Try disabling the firewall on the employee's device.
  • Try updating the printer drivers.
  • Restart the employee's device and their USB printer.

I hope this helps!

When i synch azure ad connect i cant continue synch


The problem is that the Azure Active Directory configuration is expired. This can happen if the Azure AD Connect service has not been run for a while, or if the Azure AD configuration has been changed.

To fix this, you need to update the Azure AD Connect configuration. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Open the Azure AD Connect wizard.
  2. Go to the Additional tasks tab and select View current configuration.
  3. The Azure AD Connect configuration will be displayed.
  4. Make sure that the Azure AD Connect service is running.
  5. If the Azure AD configuration has been changed, you need to update it. To do this, select Update Azure AD configuration.
  6. Follow the instructions in the wizard to update the configuration.

Once the Azure AD Connect configuration is updated, you should be able to continue with the synchronization process.

Here are some other things you can try if you are still having problems:

  • Make sure that you are using the correct credentials to connect to Azure AD.
  • Check the proxy settings in your web browser.
  • Try restarting the Azure AD Connect service.
  • Contact Microsoft support for help.

I hope this helps!

ايه الاختلاف بين Fortigate 100f and Fortigate 101f

فيما يلي جدول يوضح الاختلافات الرئيسية بين Fortigate 100F و Fortigate 101F

بشكل عام ، Fortigate 101F هو جهاز أكثر قوة وتكلفة من Fortigate 100F. إنه خيار أفضل للشركات التي تحتاج إلى حماية أكثر من Fortigate 100F.

Fortigate 100F و Fortigate 101F هما جهازان لهما قدرات مماثلة ، لكن Fortigate 101F أكثر قوة. يتمتع Fortigate 101F

 بسعة معالجة أكبر

مما يعني أنه يمكنه التعامل مع حركة مرور أكثر. كما أنه يحتوي على ذاكرة تخزين أكبر ، مما يعني أنه يمكنه تخزين المزيد من 

البيانات. هذا يجعل Fortigate 101F خيارًا أفضل للشركات التي تحتاج إلى حماية أكثر من Fortigate 100F.

Friday, August 18, 2023

How to fix pictures thumbnail in windows ?

Here are some ways to fix pictures thumbnail in Windows 11:

  1. Check the File Explorer settings.
    • Open File Explorer.
    • Click on the three dots button in the top right corner.
    • Select Options.
    • In the View tab, make sure that the Always show icons, never thumbnails option is unchecked.
  2. Restore File Explorer options to default.
    • Open File Explorer.
    • Click on the three dots button in the top right corner.
    • Select Reset Folder Options.
    • In the confirmation dialog, click Reset.
  3. Change Visual Effect Settings in Windows 11.
    • Open the Start menu.
    • Search for Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
    • Click on the Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows app.
    • In the Performance Options window, under the Visual Effects tab, select Adjust for best appearance.
    • Click OK.
  4. Use Disk Cleanup to delete thumbnail cache.
    • Open File Explorer.
    • Right-click on the drive where your pictures are stored.
    • Select Properties.
    • Click on the Disk Cleanup button.
    • In the Disk Cleanup dialog, select the Thumbnails checkbox.
    • Click OK.
  5. Use Command Prompt to remove thumbnail cache.
    • Open Command Prompt as administrator.
    • Type the following command and press Enter:

o   del /f /s /q %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Explorer\thumbcache_*.db

  1. Run SFC scan.
    • Open Command Prompt as administrator.
    • Type the following command and press Enter:

o   sfc /scannow

  1. Run the DISM Tool.
    • Open Command Prompt as administrator.
    • Type the following command and press Enter:

o   DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth

  1. Use Stellar Repair for Photo.
    • If the above methods do not work, you can try using a third-party tool like Stellar Repair for Photo to fix the corrupted image thumbnails.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


Recover deleted files for free on windows

 Recover deleted files for free on windows

#recover #deleted #files free windows software to recover deleted files recover deleted data recover lost data recover deleted data from the hard drive for free data recovery Recuva free windows software to recover deleted files recover deleted files in windows Data Recovery Software best free recovery software for pc deleted files recovery deleted files How recovery free windows software to recover deleted files 0:00 intro 0:36 download and install Recuva 1:30 recover deleted files using Recuva hello guys, in this video, I will share with you one of the best free files recovery software, It is Recuva How to download and install Rucuva? How to recover deleted files using Recuva? but before this, If this is the first time you visit my channel, subscribe to my channel, and activate the notification bell, to be notified of new videos open google search and search for Recuva, and navigate to the Recuva website I will download the free version it will give you the recovery option for deleted files for free after downloading, start the installation do the same steps as me I will select all types of files and now let's start how to recover deleted files I have a USB Memory stick it contains 8 different files types, I will permanently delete it and then try to recover all open The Recuva software I will set these configurations I will select the drive I want to recover then scan after the scan is completed as you see all files found there so I will select all and press recover very important to recover files to another location, and not to the drive you want to recover so I will select another drive and location to recover my files congratulations all files are recovered and I will try to test some of these files everything is working fine I hope this video helpful for you don't forget to share, subscribe, like, and turn on the notification bell Thanks for watching

The ultimate guide for installing Windows 11 starts from 3rd-generation processors to 7th-generation


How to deploy Microsoft Project via GPO. For 30 computers. Where to get the .msi of MS Project?

To deploy Microsoft Project via Group Policy Object (GPO) to 30 computers, you'll need to follow these general steps:

1- Obtain the Microsoft Project MSI Installer:

You can get the MSI installer for Microsoft Project by purchasing a volume license or subscription that includes the necessary deployment rights. You'll need to have access to the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) or Microsoft 365 admin center to download the installer.

2- Prepare the Installer:

Once you have the MSI installer, you might want to customize it before deployment. This can include things like setting default options, disabling certain features, or specifying installation paths. You can use tools like the Office Customization Tool (OCT) or the Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager to create a customized installation package.

3- Create a Shared Network Location:

Place the customized MSI installer in a shared network location that all the target computers can access. Make sure the appropriate permissions are set so that computers can read and execute the installer.

4- Create a Group Policy Object:

Now you'll set up a GPO to deploy the software:

Open the Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) on a computer connected to your domain.

Create a new GPO or select an existing one.

Right-click the selected GPO and choose "Edit" to open the Group Policy Object Editor.

Navigate to Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Software Settings -> Software Installation.

5- Deploy the Software:

In the "Software Installation" section of the GPO:

Right-click on the "Software Installation" node and select "New -> Package."

Browse to the network location where the MSI installer is stored, and select the MSI file.

Choose the deployment method - you'll likely want to use "Assigned" to ensure the software is installed automatically on the target computers.

6- Link the GPO:

Once you've configured the software deployment, you need to link the GPO to the Organizational Unit (OU) containing the target computers.

7- Force Update and Installation:

You can either wait for the GPO to be applied automatically according to your domain's schedule, or you can manually trigger a GPO update on the target computers using the command gpupdate /force. After the GPO update, the software installation should occur on the target computers during the next reboot or logon.