Saturday, July 15, 2023

Top 5 Best Free Video Editing Software for Beginners and Professionals

What is video editing software?

Video editing software is a computer program that allows you to create, edit, and modify videos. It can be used to add titles, effects, music, and other elements to videos.

Why use free video editing software?

There are many reasons why you might want to use free video editing software. First, it's free! Second, it's a great way to learn the basics of video editing without having to spend any money. Third, there are some great free video editing software options available that are just as powerful as paid options.

What are the best free video editing software options?

There are many great free video editing software options available, but some of the most popular include:

Which free video editing software is right for me?

The best free video editing software for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with a user-friendly option like OpenShot or Shotcut. If you are looking for a more powerful editor with a wider range of features, DaVinci Resolve is a great option.

How to choose the right free video editing software

Here are some things to consider when choosing the right free video editing software for you:

  • Your skill level: If you are a beginner, you will want to choose a software that is easy to use. If you are more experienced, you can choose a software with more features.
  • Your budget: Free video editing software is a great option if you are on a budget. However, there are also some paid video editing software options that are very affordable.
  • The features you need: Some free video editing software options have a limited number of features. If you need a lot of features, you may want to choose a paid video editing software option.


In this video, I've talked about the best free video editing software for beginners and professionals. I've also given you some tips on how to choose the right free video editing software for you. I hope this video has been helpful. Thanks for watching!

skype calls problem after upgrading to windows 11


I have a hp core i3 with 16 GB RAM and 256GB SSD , recently upgraded to windows 11 home, now facing issues with Skype calls as all calls have breaking voice and its difficult to talk to another person, has anyone faced this issue after upgrade from windows 10 to windows 11?

Yes, there have been reports of Skype call quality issues after upgrading to Windows 11. Some of the possible causes of this issue include:

  • Outdated or corrupted audio drivers. Make sure that you have the latest audio drivers installed for your computer. You can download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website.
  • Incorrect audio settings in Skype. Check your audio settings in Skype to make sure that the correct microphone and speakers are selected. You can also try adjusting the audio settings to improve the call quality.
  • Network problems. If you are experiencing network problems, this could also be causing the call quality issues. Try restarting your router or modem, or connecting to a different network.
  • A bug in Windows 11. It's also possible that the issue is caused by a bug in Windows 11. Microsoft is aware of this issue and is working on a fix.

Here are some troubleshooting steps you can try to fix the breaking voice issue in Skype after upgrading to Windows 11:

  1. Check your audio drivers. Make sure that you have the latest audio drivers installed for your computer. You can download the latest drivers from the manufacturer's website.
  2. Reset your Skype settings. Go to Tools > Options > Advanced and click on the Reset Skype button. This will reset all of your Skype settings to their default values.
  3. Restart your computer. Sometimes, a simple restart can fix the issue.
  4. Use a wired connection. If you are using Wi-Fi, try switching to a wired connection. This can improve the call quality.
  5. Wait for a fix from Microsoft. Microsoft is aware of this issue and is working on a fix. In the meantime, you can try the troubleshooting steps above.

If you are still having problems with Skype call quality after trying these troubleshooting steps, you can contact Microsoft support for help.

Friday, July 14, 2023

عندي فولدر ال c مليان?


عندي فولدر ال c مليان عملت حذف كل البرامج اللي موجوده ومفيش فايده بردو اقدر اعرف منين الملف اللي مستهلك المساحه كلها كدا وأهميته واشيله ؟


طبعا، تقدرى تعرفي منين الملف اللي مستهلك المساحه كلها في فولدر ال C وأهميته واشيله.

فيه طريقتين للتعرف على الملفات اللي بتستهلك أكتر مساحة في فولدر ال C:

  1. من خلال أداة Disk Cleanup

أداة Disk Cleanup هي أداة تأتي مع نظام التشغيل Windows، ووظيفتها تنظيف القرص الصلب من الملفات غير الضرورية

مثل ملفات السجل وملفات التنزيلات وملفات المؤقتات.

لتشغيل أداة Disk Cleanup، اتبع الخطوات التالية:

  1. افتح نافذة Run عن طريق الضغط على مفتاح Windows + R.

  2. اكتب "cleanmgr" في نافذة Run واضغط على Enter.

  3. ستظهر لك أداة Disk Cleanup نافذة بها قائمة بالملفات التي يمكن حذفها.

  4. حدد الملفات التي تريد حذفها ثم انقر على الزر "OK".

  5. الطريقة الثانية

  6. من خلال أداة WinDirStat

أداة WinDirStat هي أداة مجانية ومفتوحة المصدر تساعدك على عرض استخدام مساحة القرص بشكل رسومي.

لتشغيل أداة WinDirStat، اتبع الخطوات التالية:

  1. اذهب إلى موقع تنزيل أداة WinDirStat وقم بتثبيتها.
  2. بعد تثبيت أداة WinDirStat، افتحها.
  3. ستظهر لك أداة WinDirStat نافذة بها عرض رسومي لاستخدام مساحة القرص.
  4. انقر على أي من الملفات أو المجلدات في النافذة لعرض المزيد من التفاصيل عنها.

بعد أن تعرفي الملفات اللي بتستهلك أكتر مساحة في فولدر ال C، تقدرى تشيليها لو مش محتاجاها.

لكن حذاري، مش كل الملفات اللي بتستهلك مساحة كبيرة في فولدر ال C مش مهمة.

في بعض الملفات المهمة اللي بتستهلك مساحة كبيرة، زي ملفات نظام التشغيل وملفات البرامج اللي بتستخدمها.

عشان كده، قبل ما تشيلي أي ملف، تأكدي من أنه مش مهم.